Saturday, March 21, 2015

Penn Station area that is being rebuilt. These are the "Before" photos. Once the plywood is in and the Homasote laid I post the "After" photos.

Just South of Union Tunnel

Left end of Penn Station tracks

Right end of Penn Station

Approach to B & P Tunnel Portal at upper right.  Also one of the CMRI districts and the local panel for Penn Station

The rear is the B & P tunnel and in front is the Norther Central track to Harrisburg

Fulton Junction and Local Panel for the junction and PRR South Staging

Monday, March 2, 2015

Newest Revision of the Layout

Below is a revised drawing of the layout as of today.  A number of things have changed.  I am in the process of rebuilding the Penn Station area to provide better radius for the PRR GG1 engines.  Also eliminated the S curves coming into the station from the South.  Also were able to run a WMRY track in front of the station as it was in the prototype.  Also will show the station's actual depth rather an the previous 2/3 depth version.  The red lines are a rough sketch of the Baltimore Transit co. trolley line.  At the North PRR staging the tracks will extend beyond the existing bench work to under the steps to handle longer passenger trains into NYC.  Also the platforms at Penn Station are longer for the same reason.  A turntable for WMRY Hillen station will be beyond the existing bench work as shown.  Basically the aisle will be a dead end so as to improve operations.

Most of the scenery from C & C Jct to Big Spring Run trestle is basically finished.  I have built five structures so far so that is moving ahead.   Signaling in on my list for later this month as well as redoing the CTC to represent the changes primarily on the PRR.